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Time Resampling

Let's learn how to sample time series data! This will be useful later on in the course!

In [1]:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

In [2]:
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

In [3]:
# Grab data
# Faster alternative
# df = pd.read_csv('time_data/walmart_stock.csv',index_col='Date')
df = pd.read_csv('time_data/walmart_stock.csv')

In [4]:

Date Open High Low Close Volume Adj Close
0 2012-01-03 59.970001 61.060001 59.869999 60.330002 12668800 52.619235
1 2012-01-04 60.209999 60.349998 59.470001 59.709999 9593300 52.078475
2 2012-01-05 59.349998 59.619999 58.369999 59.419998 12768200 51.825539
3 2012-01-06 59.419998 59.450001 58.869999 59.000000 8069400 51.459220
4 2012-01-09 59.029999 59.549999 58.919998 59.180000 6679300 51.616215

Create a date index from the date column

In [5]:
df['Date'] = df['Date'].apply(pd.to_datetime)

In [6]:

Date Open High Low Close Volume Adj Close
0 2012-01-03 59.970001 61.060001 59.869999 60.330002 12668800 52.619235
1 2012-01-04 60.209999 60.349998 59.470001 59.709999 9593300 52.078475
2 2012-01-05 59.349998 59.619999 58.369999 59.419998 12768200 51.825539
3 2012-01-06 59.419998 59.450001 58.869999 59.000000 8069400 51.459220
4 2012-01-09 59.029999 59.549999 58.919998 59.180000 6679300 51.616215

In [7]:
             inplace = True)

In [8]:

Open High Low Close Volume Adj Close
2012-01-03 59.970001 61.060001 59.869999 60.330002 12668800 52.619235
2012-01-04 60.209999 60.349998 59.470001 59.709999 9593300 52.078475
2012-01-05 59.349998 59.619999 58.369999 59.419998 12768200 51.825539
2012-01-06 59.419998 59.450001 58.869999 59.000000 8069400 51.459220
2012-01-09 59.029999 59.549999 58.919998 59.180000 6679300 51.616215


A common operation with time series data is resamplling based on the time series index. Let see how to use the resample() method.

All possible time series offest strings

Alias Description
B business day frequency
C custom business day frequency (experimental)
D calendar day frequency
W weekly frequency
M month end frequency
SM semi-month end frequency (15th and end of month)
BM business month end frequency
CBM custom business month end frequency
MS month start frequency
SMS semi-month start frequency (1st and 15th)
BMS business month start frequency
CBMS custom business month start frequency
Q quarter end frequency
BQ business quarter endfrequency
QS quarter start frequency
BQS business quarter start frequency
A year end frequency
BA business year end frequency
AS year start frequency
BAS business year start frequency
BH business hour frequency
H hourly frequency
T, min minutely frequency
S secondly frequency
L, ms milliseconds
U, us microseconds
N nanoseconds

In [9]:
# Our index

DatetimeIndex(['2012-01-03', '2012-01-04', '2012-01-05', '2012-01-06',
               '2012-01-09', '2012-01-10', '2012-01-11', '2012-01-12',
               '2012-01-13', '2012-01-17',
               '2016-12-16', '2016-12-19', '2016-12-20', '2016-12-21',
               '2016-12-22', '2016-12-23', '2016-12-27', '2016-12-28',
               '2016-12-29', '2016-12-30'],
              dtype='datetime64[ns]', name='Date', length=1258, freq=None)

You need to call resample with the rule parameter, then you need to call some sort of aggregation function. This is because due to resampling, we need some sort of mathematical rule to join the rows by (mean,sum,count,etc...)

In [10]:
# Yearly Means
df.resample(rule = 'A').mean()

Open High Low Close Volume Adj Close
2012-12-31 67.158680 67.602120 66.786520 67.215120 9.239015e+06 59.389349
2013-12-31 75.264048 75.729405 74.843055 75.320516 6.951496e+06 68.147179
2014-12-31 77.274524 77.740040 76.864405 77.327381 6.515612e+06 71.709712
2015-12-31 72.569405 73.064167 72.034802 72.491111 9.040769e+06 68.831426
2016-12-31 69.481349 70.019643 69.023492 69.547063 9.371645e+06 68.054229

Custom Resampling

You could technically also create your own custom resampling function:

In [11]:
def first_day(entry):
    Returns the first instance of the period, regardless of samplling rate.
    return entry[0]

In [12]:
df.resample(rule = 'A').apply(first_day)

Open High Low Close Volume Adj Close
2012-12-31 59.970001 61.060001 59.869999 60.330002 12668800 52.619235
2013-12-31 68.930000 69.239998 68.449997 69.239998 10390800 61.879708
2014-12-31 78.720001 79.470001 78.500000 78.910004 6878000 72.254228
2015-12-31 86.269997 86.720001 85.550003 85.900002 4501800 80.624861
2016-12-31 60.500000 61.490002 60.360001 61.459999 11989200 59.289713

In [13]:
df['Close'].resample('A').mean().plot(kind = 'bar')
plt.title('Yearly Mean Close Price for Walmart')

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x17c2c2dff60>

In [14]:
df['Open'].resample('M').max().plot(kind = 'bar',
                                    figsize = (16, 6))
plt.title('Monthly Max Opening Price for Walmart')

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x17c2c5102b0>

That is it! Up next we'll learn about time shifts!